Comcon CM

COMCON® CM, 60 x 60/ thickness 40, 35, 30 mm


COMCON® CM are mosaic paving stones of required thickness and colour for aesthetic and durable pavements of footways. The sum of their properties exceeds that of paving stones of crystalline limestone most frequently used for this purpose in the past.


high compressive strengthcomcon cm big

high tensile strength and tensile strength in flexure

high impact strength

high abrasion resistance

permanent resistance to freezing and thawing

permanent resistance to de-icing salts and other de-icing agents

permanent resistance to acid rains

permanent resistance to petroleum products

any fast colour

absolute impermeability and negligible absorptivity

easy installation (identical with conventional pavements)

long service life, comparable with the highest quality eruptive rocks

extreme resistance to climatic factors incl. UV radiaton

unique capability of liquidation of atmospheric nitrogen oxides


permanent pavements of footways with 6 x 6 cm mosaic paving stones in cities incl. their historically valuable and protected parts,

permanent installation of coats-of-arms, symbols, logos, etc. in any colour in footway pavements,

pavement of areas with occasional light-duty vehicle traffic or parking,

pavements of passageways, courtyards, approach roads to buildings, etc.

parmanent architectural treatment of footways, squares, and other pedestrian traffic areas,

significant reduction of nitrogen oxides concentration above paved areas, particularly in the areas of high motor vehicle traffic intensity and acid rains.


COMCON CM mosaic paving stones are sized 60 x 60 mm in plan with a tolerance of +/- 0.1 mm in dimensions and +/- 1 °C in angles. The stones and cleft from 60 x 60 x 980 mm prisms. Thanks to the high strength of the binder and its adhesion to the filler the fracture passes always across filler particles. Due to this fact the appearance of the fracture surface is indistinguishable from cleft marble or any other natural stone. That is why all responsible institutions which had assessed the COMCON CM paving stones recommended their use without any limitations even in the historical parts of cities and architectural reserves. The accuracy of stone dimensions enables the paving of required areas in previously impossible manner with the limitation of joint width to a minimum (less than 0.3 mm) as well as in standard manner (with joints width of 1.0 to 1.1 mm).

Apart from accurate dimensions the COMCON CM paving stones are superior to the crystalline limestone (marble) paving stones also by significantly better technical and physical properties, incomparably higher chemical resistance and resistance to all climatic factors. All that makes it possible for their manufacturer, COMCON Plus, joint-stock company, to provide a 20 years guarantee for the assumed service live of at least 80 – 100 years. Apart from that their broad and practically unlimited colour scale, colour fastness and very high resistance to soiling enables the achievement of excellent aesthetic and architectural effects.

The pavements of minimum joint width require 278 paving stones, those with standard width joints 268 paving stones per 1 square metre. The stones are placed in a standard manner in a dry lime mortar bed (mix of fine-grained sand and hydrated lime), possibly in a dry cement or cement-and-lime mortar bed (mix of fine-grained sand and cement, possibly fine-grained sand, cement and lime respectively), if vehicle traffic is envisaged.

The COMCON CM mosaic paving stones, however, offer yet another ecological advantage : they liquidate considerable quantities of nitrogen oxides present above the areas paved with these paving stones (as many as 80 %, according to Japanese experiments in Osaka), thus improving significantly the polluted environment particularly in the areas with heavy automotive traffic and industrial operations.

Technical Characteristics

Compressive strength > 80.0 Mpa

Tensile strength in flexure > 18.0 Mpa

Tensile strength > 12.0 Mpa

Modulus of elasticity 15 000 Mpa

Density 2 200 – 2 240 kg/cu.m

Abrasion resistance according to Böhm below 0.15 ccm/

Frost resistance coefficient T 150 0.99 – 1.00

Resistance to de-icing salts unlimited

Resistance to climatic factors unlimited

Coefficient of thermal expansion 6.16 . 10-5 / °C

Absorptivity below 0.05%

Friction coefficient (pendulum test) 0.20 – 0.22

Packaging and Delivery Conditions

Delivered in textile bags of approx. 900 kg or 1400 kg, f.o.b. Pavlov nr. Herálec works. One square metre of pavement weighs approximately 88 kg for 40 mm thickness, 77 kg for 35 mm thickness, 66 kg for 30 mm thickness and 55 kg for 25 mm thickness. In some selected building material shops it is possible to buy COMCON CM paving stones in cardboard boxes containing 0.5 sq.m of pavement.


By a written order specifying the requested quantity (in integer square metres), colour and thickness, delivery date, possibly the bag typ required (small, big) and transport to destination. The delivery can be made (depending on quantity and colour required) usually after 7 days from the receipt of the order.


No special storage conditions are required, exterior as well as interior storage is possible.


The material is non-inflammable, self-extinguishing, combustible in direct flame over 300 °C. Hygienically it is faultless for exterior application, but is not suitable for interior use.

Certification, Quality

The manufacture proceeds in the conditions defined by ISO 9002 standard. Every delivery is provided with a delivery certificate, a guarantee certificate and a declaration of conformity.

Guarantee and Service Life

The guarantee for the COMCON CM paving mosaic is 20 years. The assumed service life is 80 – 100 years.

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