COMCON® CD, 255 x 255, thickness 30 mm (4 x 4 blocks) comcon_cd_30

                         200 x 200, thickness 30 mm (3 x 3 blocks)

                         200 x 200, thickness 60 mm (2 x 2 blocks)

Characterization and usage:

COMCON® CD are polymer concrete slabs, intended primarily for hard signal and warning stripes for the blind. Nevertheless all these slab types may be used for attractive pavements of standard pedestrian areas, such as footways, courtyards, patios, passageways, etc.


high compressive strength

high tensile strength and tensile strength in flexure

high impact strength

high abrasion resistance

permanent resistance to freezing and thawing

permanent resistance to de-icing salts and other de-icing agents

permanent resistance to acid rains

permanent resistance to petroleum products

any fast colour

absolute impermeability and negligible absorptivity

easy installation

long service life

extreme resistance to climatic factors incl. UV radiaton

skid resistance even in unfavourable climatic conditions


formation of signal and warning stripes on footways near pedestrian crossings and other critical places for the blind

pavement of footways and other pedestrian areas


COMCON CD, CDT and CDR paving slabs, are sized 255 x 255 mm in plan

and 35 mm or 30 mm thick in case of CD and CDT slabs and 40 mm thick in case of CDR slabs. The CD and CDT slabs are provided with 5 x 5 mm projections spaced at 60 x 60 mm, giving the impression of paving mosaic on a paved footways. The individual mosaic “cubes“ are provided with irregular surface enabling their good tactile differentiatin from ambient pavement by the blind. To emphasize the tactile difference the signal and warning stripes of CD and CDT slabs are bordered with plain stripes of COMCON CDR slabs.

However, the paving slabs of both structured CD or CDT type, and plain CDR type may be used also for attractive standard pavements of footways and other pedestrian traffic surfaces, such as courtyards, passageways, vestibules, platforms, etc.

Because of high strength and high abrasion resistance of their material the slabs can be used also for the pavements subjected to passenger car and light van traffic, provided an adequately compacted or consolidated base course is used. Structured paving slabs provide extraordinary skid-resistance even in wet or snow-covered condition. The surface of COMCON CDR slabs is plain, but skid-resistant under current conditions. The slabs of all types may be of any colour. Standard colours are white, black, dark grey and brown. The colour is achieved by the mixing of inorganic pigments with the mass which assures colour-fastness and dispenses with repainting or any other maintenance, throughout their life.

The COMCON CD, CDT and CDR paving slabs are placed in a dry lime or cement-and-lime mortar bed 3 – 5 cm thick spread on a well compacted base course. In case of higher traffic loads (vehicle traffic) it is advisable to place the slabs in a dry cement mortar or concrete bed, if adequate rainwater drainage is assured e.g. by adequate fall and the layer of concrete is sufficiently thick and at least party protected against ground water penetration to the contact joint.

Technical Characteristics

Compressive strength > 80.0 Mpa

Tensile strength in flexure > 18.0 Mpa

Tensile strength > 12.0 Mpa

Modulus of elasticity 15 000 Mpa

Density 2 200 – 2 240 kg/cu.m

Abrasion resistance according to Böhm below 0.15 ccm/

Frost resistance coefficient T 150 0.99 – 1.00

Resistance to de-icing salts unlimited

Resistance to climatic factors unlimited

Coefficient of thermal expansion 6.16 . 10-5 / °C

Absorptivity below 0.05%

Friction coefficient (pendulum test) 0.20 – 0.22


By a written order specifying the required quantity (in integer metres), colour and delivery date, possibly transport to destination. The delivery can be made within a fortnight from the receipt of the order.

Packaging and Delivery Conditions

Delivered on euro-palletes comprizing 150 pcs (10 sq.m) each, strapped and packaged in foil, f.o.b. Pavlov nr. Heralec works.


No particular storage conditions are required, interior as well as exterior storage is possible.

Guarantee and Service Life

The guarantee for the COMCON CD, CDT and CDR slabs is 20 years. If placed correctly their assumed service life is 40 to 60 years.

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