Synthetic flooring COMFLORcomfloor

At present the synthetic flooring is an irreplaceable part of industrial construction as well as public and administrative buildings.

The company COMING Plus, a.s. is one of the biggest supplier of seamless synthetic flooring in the Czech Republic.


The COMFLOOR synthetic flooring is a complex solution in the field of resin type of surface treatment including construction sequence and details (e.g. cove bases by the walls, dilatation joints, crossings, steps, inclined and vertical surfaces). The types of COMFLOOR flooring enable the choice of optimal adaptation of the flooring to set requirements and conditions of operation. The standard assortment consists of more than 30 types of COMFLOOR flooring in different variations.


The COMFLOOR flooring can be used at any place where the special futures can be used, especially in productions that require high quality, seamless, dustless and chemical resistant floors with high mechanical resistance and durability.

The COMFLOOR floors are used also in light and heavy industrial productions, nuclear power plants, warehouses, laboratories, in public facilities, administrative buildings, hospitals, in engineering and road construction.

The COMFLOOR floors are very suitable for reconstruction of damaged concrete surfaces, where even great roughness of the ground can be flatten out and constructional reinforcement can be achieved.

The COMFLOR floors are designed primarily for interiors, some types can be used also on surfaces exposed to the meteorological effects if the foundation is of good quality.

Specific advantages of COMFLOOR flooring:

A great advantage of COMFLOOR flooring is the composition of flooring materials from the point of view of high functional safety and durability of the floors. We pay great attention to the connection of the flooring with the foundation and to the higher safety of flooring if concerns tension; the tension is prevented thanks to the correct adhesion of the flooring to the foundation.


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